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Epsilon NT

A count board for manually recording studies that road tube counters can’t or shouldn’t

Road tube counters can do a lot.  But they can’t classify vehicles that move very slowly (< 5 mph / 8 k/h) or stop over the tubes.  They also can’t track how a vehicle moves through an intersection.  The Epsilon NT manual count board can be used for intersection turning movement studies or recording short counts by hand.


Classify Up To Five Kinds of Vehicles

The board has buttons for each of the turning directions at a four-way intersection.  The four shift buttons at the top allow each counting button to be used up to five different ways.  For example, use the turning direction buttons by themselves for passenger cars, with one of the shift button for buses, and with another for trucks.

Corner Buttons for Non-Directional Data

It is possible to record something other than turning vehicles during an intersection study.  A common practice is to reserve one shift button for pedestrian counts.  But if you need all five shift states for vehicle classification, or you want to count pedestrians differently than vehicles, you can use the four corner buttons.  They can also be used for any other event that doesn’t depend on the direction of travel through the intersection.

Audible Cues

Every button clicks when it is pressed.  But if you’re wearing gloves or the traffic is loud, you still might not be sure a button press was counted.  So that you don’t have to take your eyes off of traffic to watch the indicator lights, the counter can beep with every press of a button.  A simple switch controls the volume (Hi, Lo, or Off).  When the volume is on, the counter will also signal every 15 minutes after you start recording to help you keep track of time.

Fully Integrated Into the TimeMark System

You don’t need to buy different software for your road tube and manual counters.  VIAS works with all the NT counters and their data files.

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